"When we strive to become better than we are everything
around us becomes better too"
Paulo Coelho
My coaching philosophy:
My 1:1 coaching sessions are tailored to your individual needs. My role is to help you develop the blueprint to meet any your life goals and hold you accountable to them. My overarching goal is always to empower you to become the agent of change in your own life as quickly as possible.
Who I work with:
Anyone who is serious about making a positive life transformation. I work with clients from all over the world. The one thing they have in common is a desire to be proactive in getting what they want out of life, be it with respect to career, lifestyle, relationships, health or a combination of these things. If you can articulate the life you want, I can help you bring clarity, order and structure to how you go about achieving it.
"Take care in life to get what you like or you will be forced to like what you get".
George Bernard Shaw.
Transformation Accelerator Programme (TAP™).
You don’t achieve a life transformation by simply paying a coach for the odd session here and there any more than you transform your body by going to the gym once in a blue moon without a membership. It takes time, money commitment and consistency to transform your life.
If you’re ready to commit to changing your life, TAP™ into your potential with my Transformation Accelerator Programme (TAP™).
In my TAP™ programme you will receive 12 sessions in which we will work on the 6 key elements of your life transformation.
· Vision: you will confidently identify and clearly articulate specific goals and aspirations.
· Strategy: you will devise and develop a realistic and actionable plan for how to achieve your goals and aspirations.
· Mindset: you will develop methods of dealing with psychological barriers to achieving your goals e.g. limiting self-beliefs.
· Resources: you will identify and acquire any resources you need to implement your plans.
· Skillset: you will develop the competencies that you need to execute your plans.
· Persistence: you will develop resilience to the things that undermine the sustainability of your efforts to transform your life e.g. dealing with uncooperative friends/colleagues.
My TAP™ programme consists of:
12 one-hour one-to-one coaching sessions with me tailored to your individual needs
Accountability support via Email/Text/Whatsapp throughout your 12 sessions
Mindfulness support
Entry to the ‘TAP™ IN’ mailing list, where you will receive exclusive member only newsletters entitling you to discounts on my services and products.